Presentation Date: Wed. Oct 16, 2024
Presentation Time: 11:55 AM - 12:15
How Can Europe Reduce Offshore Dependence of Its Supply Chain for Critical Metals like Scandium?
Henk van der Laan1; Beate Orberger2
1. V.I.C. Van der Laan International Consultancy BV 2. CATURA Geoprojects
Europe uses around 25% of the World metal production, including critical metals like Sc, Mg, Ti, Sr, Nb and REE’s. However, just around 2 - 3% of the World metal production is actually manufactured in Europe, resulting in a huge imbalance. Critical metals are indispensable in the green transition for producing renewable energy. Most of these critical metals (Mg, Nb, Sc, Sr, and Ti) are for 100% imported. The dependence on imports can lead to supply disruptions and unacceptable high prices. An option for Europe is to focus on Industrial Symbiosis (IS) projects, in which waste streams from one industry are used as a feedstock for other industries. EU Magnesium, ScaVanger, Scale-up and Valore are examples of EU funded IS projects. To avoid future supply disruptions, like the 2021 Mg crisis, Europe needs to set up a European organised stockpile organization for critical metals like Sc, Sr, Nb, Mg and Ti.
Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM (Reuse, Recycle, Remanufacturing)
Sustainable scandium production from metallurgical residues for securing
Al-Sc-Mg powder manufacturing for 3D printing
Henk van der Laan1, Beate Orberger2, Yashvi Baria3, Anastasios Kladis4, Pierre Feydi5, Carsten Dittrich6, Efthymios Balomenos7, Bengi Yagmurlu8, Mitja Medved9, Frank Palm10
Prof. Kerstin Forsberg, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden is co-editor of the TME 2023 Conference proceedings:
Part of the book series: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series (MMMS)
Conference series link(s): TMS: TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
ScaVanger, Scaleup, Valore and EU Magnesium EIT projects partners were active at the Raw Material Conference
1. A clustering event: A panel discussion on the topic:
“How can EU Critical Raw Materials extraction from waste or low-grade ore compete with Asian production?”
2. National University of Athens was active at Raw Mat 2023 conference
with several papers concerend with the Scaleup project, the use of bauxite residues as metal and material use.
3. Elena Mikeli from NTUA received the Young Researcher Award for her work:
« Recovery of Scandium from industrial acidic solutions through ion exchange »
This work was performed in the frame of the ScaVanger project in cooperation with Aikateria Toli, Danai Marinos, Efthymios Balomenos, Dimitris Panias
The National University of Athens (NTUA-TesMet) organizes summer schools on
« Valorization of Secondary Raw Materials »
20th to 22nd of September 2022, Kalamata, Greece
It is a co-event between the Sisal, ScaVanger and Scaleup projects.
Peters,E.M., Svärd, M., Forsberg, K. (2023)
Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, 2023, 13, 1288–1294.
ScaVanger’s pitch:
European Scandium for a Lighter and Greener Future
Yagmurlu, B.; Orberger, B.;Dittrich, C.; Croisé, G.; Scharfenberg, R.; Balomenos, E.; Panias, D.; Mikeli, E.; Maier, C.; Schneider, R.; et al. Proc. 2021, 5, 86.
Meima, J.A.; Orberger, B.; García Piña, C.; Prudhomme, A.; Dittrich, C. Increasing Resource Efficiency of Bauxites Using LIBS. Mater. Proc. 2021, 5, 81.
Windhoek, Namibia, 29th November– 3rd December 2021
Session B4: Critical Metals Recovery from Waste (Chair: C. Mori De Oliviera, N. Papassiopi)
Sustainable supply of Sc for the EU industries from liquid iron chloride based TiO2 plants
B. Yagmurlu, B. Orberger, C. Dittrich, G. Croisé, R. Scharfenberg, E. Balomenos, D. Panias, E. Mikeli, C. Maier, R. Schneider, B. Friedrich, P. Dräger, Frank Baumgärtner, M. Schmitz, P. Letmathe, K. Sakkas, C. Georgopoulos, H. van den Laan
INCO-Piles round table
Opportunities for technology transfer to foster the recovery of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) from tailings
CRM recovery from Ti-pigment production
B. Yagmurlu, MEAB Chemie Technik GmbH
Dr. Bengi Yagmurlu (MEAB Chemietechnik, Aachen) received the AWARD JUNIOR RESEARCHER at RAWMAT 21 for the paper
Innovative recovery method for critical elements from metallic end-of-life products
B. Yagmurlu, C. Dittrich, G. Dunn
ScaVanger participated in the INCO PILE round table